Thank You For a Great Year! Hello 2018!

2017 was a GREAT year for the Pacific Pinball Museum, and we owe it all to YOU!
Whether you visited the museum to play some of our historic games, or through your generous donations to our Macy's "Shop for a Cause" and our more recent "Giving Tuesday" fundraising campaigns, we want you to know how much we truly appreciate your encouragement and support.
2017 in a Nutshell
The Pacific Pinball Museum was thrilled to participate in these exciting events:
The Art and Science of Pinball, Chabot Space and Science Center, Oakland
Macy's Annual Flower Show “Carnival” theme, San Francisco
Nightlife at the California Academy of Sciences
Mad Science Fair, Pinterest Headquarters, San Francisco
Pin-A-Go-Go Pinball Show, Dixon Ca.
Maker Faire, Palo Alto
Pinball and Pints, San Francisco Beer Week
The Museum continued to delight Members and visitors with programming and improvements such as:
Gallery Shows “Starlog 1979”, “That Conceptual Life” and “The Book Club VanKleefs”
A retrospective on artist Art Stenholm featuring his artwork on games from the 1950-60’s
Wednesday League Night, a seasonal friendly league open to both men and women
A Gift Shop and Online Store filled with fun Pinball merchandise and apparel
A new user-friendly website and online donation hub
Party Packages, Field Trip and Team Building options for groups
“Adopt-A-Game” program to support the restoration and care of ill-used games
S.T.E.A.M. educational mural
More frequent game rotation, new game additions and bi-weekly repairs
Intern and job training Programs for High School and Disabled Students
Senior and Military Discounts on museum admission
Friendly and informative staff

Our big goal in 2018 is find and acquire a permanent warehouse space to house our ever growing collection, create classroom areas for STEAM programs, and open our doors for more Expos and Special Events.
In 2018, The Pacific Pinball Museum will continue to aspire for excellence in our work and to achieve our goal of acquiring a permanent space where we host public events and expand our educational programming. Our mission, as always, is to show and share our expanding collection of these amazing machines for people of all ages to experience and enjoy.
Thank you once again for the generosity and support that you give to our unique museum…we do it for YOU!